棉花糖小熊逃亡大冒險 - 14
前情提要 話說英國伊莉莎白女王開始了鑽石週年慶的馬車遊行, 小熊則拿著牠自製的 Wifi 偵測器開始四處找 Wifi...
Wifi 偵測器一面偵測電磁波一面發出嗶嗶的聲音, 小熊在 Mayfair 一帶往南行走循著嗶嗶聲尋找 Wifi.
同時女王由國會大廈出發, 行經有名的 White Hall, 所到之處夾道的人群無不歡呼喝采! 但是, 馬車下的炸彈也悄悄地計時著, 再過二十三分鐘就要爆炸! 真是令人緊張啊! 小熊還在摸魚什麼, 還不趕快去救女王! ><
小熊越走越靠近白金漢宮, 女王的馬車則在海軍部拱門前左轉上 The Mall, 準備向白金漢宮前進. 定時炸彈也只剩下十五分鐘. 這, 兩條路線最後會相遇嗎?
白金漢宮前面的廣場早就佈滿安全人員, 每個人都配槍帶著對講機互通情報. 馬車上的車伕與隨從們也都在耳朵上佩帶著無線收發耳機, 一面進行馬車遊行一面報告狀況如何. 同時炸彈也倒數到只剩九分鐘! 當馬車行進到白金漢宮前面的廣場時, 這麼多的無線對講機與收發耳機近距離地聚在一起, 發射出了強烈的電磁波, 小熊的 Wifi 偵測器開始大聲地嗶嗶大響!
這時小熊興奮得不得了, 原來 Wifi 就在這裡! 於是小熊完全没多想地馬上跳起來撲向 Wifi 電磁波源的正中心 --- 咦? 原來是女王?!
馬車上的女王聽到騷動, 回過頭來一看, 竟然有一隻熊撲過來!!!!!!!
緊張緊張刺激刺激, 女王與旁邊的安全人員們對於莫名其妙撲過來的一隻熊, 到底該如何是好呢? 小熊會有安危嗎? (咦? 我應該要比較擔心女王的安危嗎?) 還有炸彈只剩幾分鐘就要爆炸, 小熊真的能救得了女王嗎? 還是會和女王一起葬身在炸彈下呢? 賤兔的陰謀能夠得逞嗎? 欲知詳情請待下回分解. ^^y
What are the Queen and her security guards going to do with a strange attacking bear?! What will happen to the bear? (Er... Or should I worry about the Queen instead?) There are only a few minutes left to the explosion. Can the bear save the Queen, or will he die together with the Queen? Will Mashimaro's evil plot succeed? To be continued...
附註 剛剛看了奧運裡女王跳傘的影片, 只能說英國女王真是辛苦啊, 剛剛才去跳傘, 現在又被熊攻擊, 馬車下還有炸彈... 女王果然不是好當的. :P
P.S. I just watched the Olympics video. I can only say that being a queen is such a tough job, just jumping off an helicopter, and then is being attacked by a bear, not mentioning there is still a bomb under her carriage! It is not easy to be the Queen... :P
標籤: 棉花熊大冒險
4 Comentario(s):
That bear is starting to feel like James Bond. Hmmm, I haven't seen the hot Bond girl yet. I hope the bear gets one at the end!
James Bond Cotton Bear,
Only thinking about hot girls! Huh! ><
So far the only bond girl the bear is getting is an 84-year old lady with white hair!
She is not hot but is from a good family and has good composure. :)
LOL! The new Bond's girl is 86 years old now :)She did a great parachute jump though.
Sorry my math was wrong... 2012-1926=86, not 84! :P
Yes, the jump was so cool! The royal entrance was special and very funny! :)
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