棉花糖小熊逃亡大冒險 - 3
前情提要 話說棉花糖小熊逃出牢籠後, 在動物園裡迷失了方向... (在本尊要求下, 棉花熊大冒險全部改成中英對照)Previously After the Marshmallow Bear escaped, he lost the direction in the zoo... (At the request by the Bear himself, I'm adding English translation.)
哇哈哈哈... 畫到這裡不禁得為我的漫畫功力陶醉一番, 我真是越畫越好了... *自我陶醉中* ^^y
Muhahahaha... I couldn't help but to praise myself that my drawings are getting better and better!!
棉花糖小熊因為找不到路, 不得已只好向路人問路. 沒想到路人竟然是隻爪爬子賤兔, 不僅不幫忙指路, 在動物園派來追兵 (有沒有這麼嚴重 ^^) 時還大聲報告 "熊就在這裡!!!"
The Bear had to ask for direction from some stranger. It turned out that the stranger was an evil mashimaro. Not only the rabbit did not help for the direction, but also reported the bear's whereabouts to the authority...
等一等! 爪爬子賤兔原本在籠裡不知在挖什麼,然後當有關單位到時又匆忙拿出韓國報紙蓋住。牠到底在做什麼...
Wait a minute, the evil mashimaro was digging something and then covered it with Korean newspaper! What is he cooking up in his own cage??
因此逃亡的棉花糖小熊就被西班牙警方抓住, 丟進了地牢. 緊張緊張刺激刺激, 棉花糖小熊該何去何從呢? 牠能不能逃出地牢? 爪爬子賤兔又在從事什麼勾當呢? 預知後事如何請待下回分解. ^^y
Therefore the bear in exile was caught by the zoo ranger, and was thrown in the dungeon! What is the bear going to do? Can he escape? What evil activity was the mashimaro doing? Stay tuned...
[註] 以上故事都是在芬蘭某地窖餐廳裡想出來的. 我一面盯著地窖的磚牆和小窗戶一面吃著煙燻馴鹿時, 突然覺得如果把小熊丟進地窖裡一定很有趣... 所以決定參考電視影集 Prison Break (越獄風雲) 把牠又關起來. ^^y (不過電視影集裡每一季主角逃出來後又被抓回去, 搞得最後大家都不想看了. :P)
下集: 棉花糖小熊逃亡大冒險 - 4
第一集: 棉花糖小熊逃亡大冒險
標籤: 棉花熊大冒險
9 Comentario(s):
When I saw the curious mashimaro character I thought he'd help me escape with his superior intellect. Hmmm, it seems I was mistaken... Will I ever encounter that weird rabbit again?
The cotton bear,
Yes indeed the rabbit is weird... He actually has a dark past. The plot thickens...
Rene Wang,
呵呵呵, 我自己也讚嘆我的賤兔畫得真是太像了! ^o^ (絶對不是因為賤兔本來就圓滾滾很好畫的關係)
其實賤兔背後是有內幕的啊... 案情錯綜複雜, 請慢慢期待. ^^y
Do we have to comment in two languages as well
哈哈哈哈哈... 應該不用這樣吧。:P
The cotton bear,
I only could say that you think too much. Mashimaro just shows his real face. Don't trust him too fast. :-P
哈哈哈,謝謝。XD 我也覺得很像啊。
哈哈哈哈~帕丁頓小熊變成移民政策的代言人啦~ (http://world.yam.com/post.php?id=2968)
Rene Wang,
哇~~~ 啊啊啊啊, 派丁頓小熊真的好可愛啊~~~ <3 <3 <3
感謝分享! 因為妳貼的這一篇實在是太可愛了, 害我腦波太弱過境英國時居然買了一隻派丁頓小熊帶回家~ <3
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