星期四, 6月 07, 2012

棉花糖小熊逃亡大冒險 - 4

棉花糖小熊的冒險故事居然暫停了一個禮拜! 原因其實是我本週三要考西班牙文小考, 整個週末都在抱佛腳... :P 不過老師秉持西班牙語系的放水精神, 居然把小考當成回家作業. 所以我又回來貼續集了! ^o^

前情提要 話說小熊因為被爪爬子賤兔出賣, 被動物園警方抓住了丟入地牢裡...

Previously The bear was betrayed by the evil mashimaro, and was thrown in the dungeon by the zoo ranger...

棉花糖小熊在地牢裡突然想出了好點子! 既然牢房在地底下, 那麼就挖地道逃走吧! (還真順路啊...) (而且因為地道是直線, 路痴應該不會迷路 ^^)

The marshmallow bear had a brilliant idea! Since the dungeon was underground, why didn't he dig an underground tunnel to escape?! (So convenient...) (A plus side was that a tunnel is straight so he wouldn't get lost.)

於是熊一面努力挖地道, 一面喃喃自語著逃獄的原動力 Wifi...

So the bear started digging a tunnel while murmuring "Wifi", the motivation and the emotional support of his grand escape...

小熊挖一挖竟然有光出現! 這是怎麼回事呢? 沒想到牠的地道通到的地方竟然是 ---

There was light! What's going on? Where did the tunnel end?



這是怎麼回事?! 原來之前賤兔偷偷摸摸做的與急急忙忙用朝鮮日報掩蓋住的, 就是自己想要逃獄的事實!

Why?! It turned out that what the mashimaro was covering up, was the evidence of his escape plan!

The two foes met again. Mashimaro and the bear were staring at each other, each with a shovel in their hands. What should the bear do with the traitor? What is Mashimaro going to do? Stay tuned...

兩人狹路相逢, 賤兔在地道底端, 與小熊各拿著鏟子面面相覷. 小熊對於出賣牠的爪爬子賤兔, 會如何對待呢? 賤兔看見熊又該如何呢? 預知詳情請待下回分解. ^^y

下集: 棉花糖小熊逃亡大冒險 - 5
第一集: 棉花糖小熊逃亡大冒險


4 Comentario(s):

At 6/07/2012 9:10 下午, Blogger Miss LK said...

我說兩隻動物此時該放下岐見, 兩把鏟子ㄧ起挖地洞會逃的快ㄧ點 :)

English version for S: IMO, the bear and marshimaro should work with each other, not against for the grand escape... two shovels dig faster.

At 6/07/2012 11:18 下午, Anonymous The Cotton Bear said...

Dear LK,

Work together? Hmmmm, You don't know Mashimaro's dark past. I just found out while reading Material Girl's secret notebook. It's shocking. I can't believe it. I'm appalled...

At 6/08/2012 2:12 上午, Blogger Rene Wang said...

哈哈哈哈~真是太有趣了~果真是冤家路窄呀! :)

At 6/08/2012 9:01 上午, Blogger material girl said...

Miss LK,
哈哈哈哈哈.... (開始想像熊與賤兔並肩挖地道的樣子 XD)
妳有所不知, S 平常在家時最喜歡做的事就是欺負我的賤兔布娃娃!所以兩隻動物早就已經是夙敵了... :P

The Cotton Bear,
Do not disclose the plot! BTW the Mashimaro says that he is equally appalled by you.

Rene Wang,
哈哈哈哈... 冤家 "路窄" 真是說得好啊!XD



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