星期日, 6月 10, 2012

棉花糖小熊逃亡大冒險 - 6

前情提要 話說棉花糖小熊把賤兔抓住後,繼續進行牠的逃亡大業...

Previously After the marshmallow bear settled with the matter of Mashimaro, he continued his grand escape plan...

小熊努力挖地道, 沒想到挖到一半,

The bear dug the tunnel and all of a sudden,



原來熊的地道已經挖到盡頭了! 終於把動物園的地底給挖穿了! ^o^

So he already reached the end! He finally escaped!!

等一等, 為什麼這麼涼快呢?

Wait a minute. Why is there such pleasant sea breeze?

原來整個 Ortigueira 動物園是建立在一個孤島上啊!! 小熊把地道挖穿的結果, 就是從孤島的懸崖旁掉下去了. 小熊一面往下落, 一面看著底下波濤洶湧的汪洋一面大聲喊著:

It turned out that the entire Ortigueira Zoo was built on an island in the ocean! The end of the tunnel was the cliff and the bear fell! He was falling and watching the dangerous waves beneath him, and screamed:



緊張緊張刺激刺激, 小熊真的會掉到海裡嗎? (牠會游泳嗎?) 還是會出現救星呢? 被綁在地牢裡的賤兔, 又會發生什麼事呢? 預知後事如何請待下回分解. ^^y

What would happen to the bear? Would he actually fall into the ocean? (Did he know how to swim?) What would happen to the mashimaro who was left behind? Stay tuned...

下集: 棉花糖小熊逃亡大冒險 - 6
第一集: 棉花糖小熊逃亡大冒險


6 Comentario(s):

At 6/10/2012 10:34 下午, Anonymous The Cotton Bear said...

Here is a picture of the island: "http://www.aupadeportivo.com/isla_de_san_vicente_de_ortigueira-fotos_del_deportivo_de_la_coruna-igfpo-25736.htm". I should have known better...

At 6/11/2012 1:02 上午, Blogger Rene Wang said...


At 6/11/2012 2:53 上午, Blogger LilyChen said...




At 6/11/2012 7:16 上午, Anonymous Yvonne said...


At 6/11/2012 10:27 下午, Blogger Miss LK said...

如果是007系列電影, 這時就有ㄧ位泳裝美女架著快艇破浪而來接小熊啦 :) 不過比較可能的是大白鯊等著吃熊掌吧?

English version for s/cotton bear: In the 007 Series, there's always the bikini-clad Bond girl to the rescue when Bond is seemingly in trouble... but in reality, it's the Great White waiting for its bear sashimi :P

At 6/14/2012 7:26 下午, Blogger material girl said...

The Cotton Bear,
Hmm! You see, my comics are completely based on facts.... ;)

Rene Wang,
(拍拍) 不用擔心,小熊跟賤兔到最後都會得到美滿的歸宿的。^^y

呵呵呵,妳想的真是太認真了。^^b 其實我也想過在孤島旁畫一條橋,但是 Ortigueira 這個鳥不生蛋的小漁村,是連高速公路都沒有的啊!當年高速公路要蓋的時候全村還反對哩。(真是太不方便了 T_T)所以就算真的有動物園大家應該也不會在乎划船才到得了吧。:P

呵呵呵。^o^ 我也覺得很好笑... :P

Miss LK,
哈哈哈哈哈哈.... XD 大白鯊這點子好,我這就來用!^^b
(S 聽了妳的意見連忙表示,希望故事出現美女與快艇...)



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